Get Ready To Reconnect to Your Creativity!

Improve your Artistic Eye and more with my 12-week coaching program.

My Services

“The I’s Have It” has been developed to enhance your artistic journey. This program includes:
  • Improving Your Artistic Eye: Develop and refine your creative vision.
  • Sharing Information and Ideas: Exchange valuable insights with fellow creatives.
  • Overcoming Creative Blocks: Address and resolve challenges that interfere with your creative process.
  • Celebrating Small Wins: Take small steps and celebrate each achievement to foster ongoing progress and motivation.
What Is An Art Coach?
I like to understand my clients and make custom recommendations with the goal of accelerating their desired outcomes.  We do reviews of your artwork and look at means of enhancing what you are creating. 

Free Consultation

Let's chat! Set up a free 15-minute consultation with me to see what we can accomplish together.


Copyright Janice Webber, 3 P's in a Pod Artworks 2024-25